Marisol Quevedo Rerucha

Author/Consultant/Expert in Restorative Practice

Mother, Abuela, Chicana, Educator, Writer, Advocate, and Speaker Marisol Quevedo Rerucha is an educational leader who doesn’t just talk about equity, social justice, trauma informed care, generational poverty and restorative practices, but has both lived experience and a proven record of doing this work while leading change in TK-12 traditional and charter systems.

She has formed and used her voice as an educational advocate for students, parents, and communities, while creating space and providing resources for staff, students, and parents to elevate theirs. Marisol’s passion is ensuring our alternative student population, those pushed out and most marginalized by society and our school systems, have high quality educational experience and are provided comprehensive services. She has engaged in the real work of addressing and ending the school to prison pipeline by building and leading career readiness and career technical education in juvenile court and community schools.

The impact of her passion, experience, work, and voice is felt beyond her own community as she serves as a charter school board member for the largest high school in the State of Colorado, is a member of the UNIDOS US National Institute for Latino School Leaders inaugural alumni council, and leads the La Comadre Blog for the San Diego region. Marisol is a former district leader, principal and English teacher who lives in San Diego, California with her husband Daniel. They have three daughters, Camerina, Emilia and Sophia and one granddaughter, Luna.