Dan French


Dan French spearheaded and continues to advise the Massachusetts Consortium for Innovative Education Assessment (MCIEA), a partnership of eight MA public school districts and their local teacher unions, joined together to create a fair and effective accountability system that offers a more dynamic picture of student learning and school quality than a single standardized test. MCIEA seeks to increase achievement for all students, close prevailing opportunity gaps among subgroups, and prepare a diversity of students for college, career, and life. Dan also serves as a member of the Massachusetts Citizens for Public Schools Board of Directors and has authored numerous publications, including Boston’s Pilot Schools: An Alternative to Charter Schools. 

Dan is Executive Director Emeritus of the Center for Collaborative Education (CCE), where he led CCE’s program development, staff hiring and supervision, advocacy and communications with superintendents and district leaders, and educational policy initiatives. He worked with the board of directors to lead the strategic development of the organization and has secured grants from over 30 foundations and the U.S. Department of Education. He assisted the Boston Public Schools to expand the Pilot model, launched the New England Small Schools Network, and created the National Turning Points Network. Under his leadership and guidance, CCE served as the inaugural technical assistance provider for the Essex County Learning Community (ECLC). In the years since, Dan has been a true friend and thoughtful advisor to ECLC. 

He is the former Director of Instruction and Curriculum for the Massachusetts Department of Education and special educator at the Charles River Academy. Dan has always worked as a champion of equity and excellence for young people and the educators in their charge.