Power of Place: Mission, Vision and Values

gathering of educators showing stories

Our Mission

We work alongside educators in neighboring communities to co-design welcoming, relevant, rigorous, and energizing learning experiences that foster reflection, connection, conversation, and innovation.

Our Vision

Educators continuously build the mindsets and practices needed to create cultures of belonging in schools, leading to improved learning outcomes for students and adults.

Our Values

Welcome Everyone
We learn best when we feel a sense of belonging. We bring our full selves to the work at hand and invite others in all their fullness.

Embody Humility
We don’t know what we don’t know. We are, and always will be, learning.

Build Relational Trust
Trust is the foundation for growth. When we trust and appreciate one another, we can accomplish much more together.

Cultivate Open Hearts and Minds
Learning comes through vulnerability. We listen deeply, re-examine assumptions, and consider alternative paths.

Embrace Invention
Experimentation can be messy. We like to get our hands dirty, dream up new ideas, and work together to imagine new possibilities.

Commit to Reflection
The daily deluge can make it hard to think. Pausing to step back and take stock is central to deep and meaningful learning.

Celebrate Partnerships
No single person or organization has all the answers. We can accomplish more by leaning on what others can teach us.

Hold the Hope
The struggle is real but should not define us. Hope is the renewable energy source that keeps us moving forward.